I have a hard time with reading incentive programs. I
remember when I was a kid, and my mom made me read novels for the Read-a-thon,
when other kids were reading picture books, and I got creamed, even though I
was reading a lot more. I learned that kids will game the system if they’re
allowed to.
I was reminded of this when my kids were learning to read. There
were the Pizza Hut incentives, but they didn’t work well because we didn’t make
it to Pizza Hut very often (like once, maybe). And then there was the
Accelerated Reader program. And that took my general disenchantment with
external motivation incentive programs to new heights of fury.
I think it’s true that if you set up an external reward
system, a significant number of kids will find a way to get the prize without
doing the work, and when it comes to reading, the stakes are too high for
We want kids to love reading. If they do, so much is easier for them, and
they have a lifelong source of solace and inspiration. There is a lovely time, right around third
grade, where kids are supposed to move from the “learning to read” stage to the
“reading to learn” stage, and if they love to read, this period can feel like a
rocket launching.
If they don’t, it’s miserable for everyone.
But the solution is not external motivation. The AR program is a system of points
accumulated by taking quizzes over books the child has read. Let’s start there. That presumes the book has
been rated (so it’s worth a certain number of points), and that there is a quiz
available to take. The quizzes are content-based, checking recall, and they’re
multiple choice. The system-gamers just got
pretty good odds; they can take quizzes without having read or read carefully,
and hope to do ok. And the kids who read books that aren’t approved, rated, and
quizzed up, can’t get points for reading what they like to read.
And look at what else kids are learning: that details matter
more than plot. That what happened is
more important than how it made you feel.
That reading superficially--for recall—is good. If they get anything
about critical thinking from the new Common Core, they will be spending the
rest of their years unlearning these lessons AR taught them.
I teach literature. I do use these kinds of quizzes at the beginning
of my classes, so that students have a concrete reason to keep up with the reading.
It’s part of their grade, so it keeps them honest when the realities of life
threaten their best intentions. I use these quizzes to take attendance; that’s
it. Then I spend an hour or more talking
about what the text is really about.
AR keeps these quizzes as an endpoint. When you’re done with
the book, the culminating experience is a multiple-choice quiz. I want my kids
to get so much more out of books than that. I want them to want to read because
they love it—because they get to go places they’ve never heard of, meet people
different from themselves and surprisingly similar, learn lessons about human
nature and Mother Nature, and hear the beauty of well-wrought words. I want
them to understand that when the book ends, their imaginative experience of it
does not, and that what is wonderful about a book—what they felt as they read
it, what they learned when they talked about it with their friends, and how
they will carry its lessons with them--is not ever going to be contained in a
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