I have the excellent good fortune to teach English in a department
of English and Modern Languages. This
means the hall where we live is filled with people who are bilingual and
multilingual. It means we have majors in Spanish as well as English, and
minors, certificates, and courses in several other languages. It means I hear
different languages daily, some of which I can pick out words and follow
conversations, and some of which I know next to nothing and can only hear the
music. This post is about why that is valuable.
Recently I had a discussion about the sounds of different
languages. You know the stereotypes—Romance
languages sound lovely, but Germanic sound harsh, like you’re being yelled at. In
fact, it was sparked by this meme:
In some ways that’s not wrong—languages that have a
preponderance of words that end in vowels, like Italian or Spanish, sound like
the words run together more fluidly, since the vowel of the last word joins to
the consonant in the next word just like the syllables do in a single word. This
makes the words flow together in a way that the consonant-heavy Germanic
languages can’t achieve. In German or English, words more often end in
consonants, which means you have to stop the flow of air more often. It sounds like
you pause on purpose after each word so you can pronounce them all, and also to
differentiate between words. It means you get more of a staccato, shotgun sound
as you utter the sentence.
Compare, for instance, part of a line from Dante’s Purgatorio : “Lo sommo er’ alto che
vincea la vista…” (Purg. 4.40)--where every word ends in a vowel except the one
that’s been abbreviated for the sole purpose of keeping the musical
vowel-consonant alteration--with a line from Rilke’s “Evening”: Der Abend
wechselt langsam die Gewӓnder,” where the only word that doesn’t end with
consonants is an article (‘the’). Americans tend to view the Italian as more
musical and the German as more aggressive, just on the basis of whether there
are more vowels or consonants.
Imagine our dismay, then, when we think about English—that glorious
bastard tongue of “German spoken with a French accent,” as one of my French
professors used to say. Is it
German? Is it Romance? (English has a
whole lot of Latin borrowing as well, and American English is busy borrowing
from Spanish as we speak.) So which is it? Both?
The difference for me is not that one is more beautiful than
another. (I have heard people be very seductive and debonair in German.) It’s
more that they are both musical until we know what they say. When we have no clue, we can focus on the
sound—the lilt of Romance or the rhythm of Germanic. As Jorge Luis Borges says
in his gorgeous essay on his blindness, when you don’t know a language, “each
word [is] a kind of talisman that [you] unearth.” Each word rings with
strangeness and music, and comes out more a chant than a sentence.

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