There are some things I feel very confident about. But it’s
weird, isn’t it, the kinds of things people can feel comfortable with and still
worry about other things that might seem less significant? And how some things can intimidate one person
but not faze the next?

So you’d think, maybe, that I could plan a crafty workshop.
I mean, I can, but I worry. Since I’ve found My Hobby (after
years of trying on others that were temporarily interesting, but ultimately I
didn’t stick with them), I’ve tried a number of ways to fund it and to get more
out of it. My hobby is paper-crafting or card-making. I also make gift bags and
tags and other gift-wrapping paraphernalia. To support this hobby/habit, I have
resorted to flogging crafting supplies at in-home parties like Tupperware, and
to indulge my desire to share what makes me happy, I have had “Make your own
holiday tags” parties every December for the last several years.

So I do the tag party. I’ve given up on having the parties where
people buy stuff. My heart was never in
it, and it’s a hobby for me, not a career, so I just provide the materials and
let people play. That makes me much happier.
This year, though, they also wanted to do cards. You’d be
amazed how much I fretted.
For someone who has pulled off half a dozen tag parties, a card
party shouldn’t have been daunting, but it was. It really, really was. Cards
seem like something a real crafter teaches, not some dilettante who stamps more
for therapy than because she knows what she’s doing. The stakes felt much
higher, for some reason. I still can’t quite explain why.
But I have a couple of wonderful friends who encouraged me,
and who brought some extra supplies to help out, and off we went. And it was a
lovely event. People made 2-6 cards instead of 12-20, but everyone had fun, and
my little ambivert self found the sweet spot between having too many people
depending on me for guidance and blending in with the crowd and making some of
my own cards.
It was glorious, and now I’m slightly embarrassed by how
much I fretted about it. When I was in grad school, and worrying about whether
or not I could finish my dissertation, my wise 29-year old husband said to
think of it like a boat you’re building. If you know what a boat needs and you get
the materials and spend time building it, you need to trust that it will float,
because that’s what boats do. Trust the boat to be boat-like.
And this feels like one of those times, when I should have been
able to say “trust the boat” and move forward, but I didn’t. The good news is I
get credit for pushing myself in to uncomfortable territory and doing just fine.
And every time I do that, I have a little bit more street cred.